Compromise Assessment »

Compromise Assessment

The Morphick Compromise Assessment determines if your organization has an active security breach, the extent of the compromise, as well as evidence of recent attacks and persistent threats.

Service Overview:

The Morphick Compromise Assessment identifies:

Active Breaches:  Attackers compromised your network and are actively exfiltrating sensitive data, intellectual property, or proprietary information.

Recent Breaches and Persistent Threats: Previous attackers compromised your network and stole sensitive information.  Attackers may be traversing your environment searching for additional data, or remaining dormant awaiting a future event.

Security Program Weakness: Deficiencies and potential gaps in your organization’s existing security defenses, programs, and capabilities that over time create potential vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.

Morphick Approach

The Morphick Compromise Assessment identifies evidence of active and recent breaches by combining industry-leading proprietary threat detection capabilities with advanced threat hunting performed by NSA CIRA accredited analysts and responders. 

Visibility – Deploy network and endpoint detection: Morphick monitors all network traffic, scans all endpoints, and leverages your organization’s existing security technologies and log data to provide comprehensive threat visibility throughout your environment. Morphick identifies the presence of active attackers, artifacts from recent attacks, data exfiltration, and any suspicious behavior.

Threat Hunting & Analysis: Morphick identifies the presence of existing and recent attacks utilizing proprietary threat intelligence detection capabilities to understand the full extent of any attack.

Actionable Recommendations: Morphick delivers a detailed report outlining the Compromise Assessment process and key findings that include any evidence of breach.  Morphick provides your organization with specific recommendations to address any active or recent breach to ensure you are protected moving forward.  We work with your security team, executives, counsel, and key stakeholders to ensure your organization has all of the information necessary to act quickly and effectively.